Gulsher Laghari, Kamran Dahri, and Serge Demeyer. Comparing spectrum based fault localisation against test-to-code traceability links. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT2018), IEEE, Islamabad, Pakistan, December 2018
Gulsher Laghari and Serge Demeyer. Poster: Unit Tests and Component Tests do Make a Difference on Fault Localisation Effectiveness. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C 2018), pages 280–281. ACM, Gothenburg, Sweden, May-June 2018
Gulsher Laghari and Serge Demeyer. On the Use of Sequence Mining within Spectrum Based Fault Localisation. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2018), pages 1916–1924. ACM, Pau, France, April 2018
Gerardo Orellana, Gulsher Laghari, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. On the Differences between Unit and Integration Testing in the TravisTorrent Dataset. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2017), pages 451–454. IEEE, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2017
Gulsher Laghari, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. Fine-tuning Spectrum Based Fault Localisation with Sequence Mining. Proceedings of the 15th Belgian-Netherlands Software Evolution Seminar (BENEVOL 2016), Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 2015
Gulsher Laghari, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. Fine-tuning Spectrum Based Fault Localisation with Frequent Method Item Sets. Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2016), pages 274–285. ACM, Singapore, Singapore, September 2016
Gulsher Laghari, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. Improving Spectrum Based Fault Localisation Techniques. Proceedings of the 14th Belgian-Netherlands Software Evolution Seminar (BENEVOL 2015), Lille, France, December 2015
Gulsher Laghari, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. Localising Faults in Test Execution Traces. Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2015), pages 1–8. ACM, Bergamo, Italy, August 2015
Academic Service
I am happy for a little academic service, during my PhD, as an additional reviewer for ICPC 2017, SANER 2017, ICPC 2016, ICSME 2015, and ICSE 2015. And also being part of the organization committee of BENEVOL2017 workshop. The proceedings of BENEVOL2017 here.
I have had the privilege to mentor (and learn from) following excellent students.
Gerardo Orellana did his masters internship with us and worked on the MSR 2017 mining challenge to study the differences between unit and integration testing. His work eventually resulted in a publication at MSR 2017.
Mathias Beke did his masters thesis to compare the software quality attributes between client-side and server-side rendering technologies for the web development.
Wannes Ghielens did his masters internship with us and evaluated the performance of different Android Layout Frameworks. His work is documented as a technical report.
PhD Thesis
- Optimising and Assessing the Effectiveness of Spectrum Based Fault Localisation. University of Antwerp, Belgium, 2018.
MPhil Thesis
- Policy-based Context-aware Architectural Adaptation in Pervasive Computing. University of Sindh, Jamshoro, 2014.